
Fusion/Hennig Tenders to tender the Superkolong Exceptional Large Fancy Yellow diamond

diamond world news service

Fusion/Hennig Tenders is tendering the 128.18 carat Superkolong Exceptional Large Fancy Yellow diamond in November and early December. The diamond was recently recovered by Batla Minerals SA from their Superkolong diamond tailings plant located in Kimberley, South Africa. It is a rare fancy yellow diamond with exceptional gemological characteristics being a perfect clean octahedron sawable rough diamond. This Exceptional Large Fancy Yellow Diamond will be available for viewing in New York from 10-13 November 2015, in Ramat Gan from 15-18 November 2015 and in Antwerp between 23 November – 2 December 2015.

Batla Minerals SA’s CEO, Jean Retief commented, “The recent discovery of the Exceptional Large Fancy Yellow Diamond provides yet another validation of the project’s viability and its ability to produce stellar stones.”

Fusion Alternatives’ CEO, David Kuchler noted “we are excited to once again manage and host the upcoming Superkolong Special Stone Tender. This is a truly magnificent and rare stone and we are privileged to be given the opportunity to market this stone on behalf of Superkolong to the world’s leading diamantaires.”

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