
EGL trademark rights owners revoke license of EGL International

diamond world news service

The EGL trademark rights owners have reportedly issued a notification to various organisations and institutions in the Israel diamond, gem and jewelry industry and trade that on November 25, 2014, the licensing agreement with EGL managed by Guy Benhamou (also known as EGL International), in the Noam Building, Tuval St. 21, in Ramat-Gan, was canceled.

Upon termination of the licensing on November 25, 2014, EGL International is no longer authorised to issue and distribute diamond grading reports of any kind whatsoever bearing the trade mark EGL, and/or to represent the brand EGL. Each grading report issued by this laboratory after this date consequently is issued illegally and the owners of the rights will deem this a forged document. Therefore, such a report is not to be considered as a reliable diamond grading report and people making use of such reports will do so at their own risk and may be at risk of various claims, with all the resulting legal implications.

The EGL trademark owners will make every effort to stop any infringements of the above laboratory on the cancelation and will take the appropriate measures to prevent the issuance of reports by the aforementioned laboratory.

The European Gemological Center (EGC), located at 8, Shoham Street, Ramat Gan, is now the sole licensee in Israel to issue and distribute EGL grading reports and to represent and make use of the EGL brand.

EGL laboratories around the world, guided by global brand manager Menachem Sevdermish, will continue to act decisively to ensure uniformity in the diamond grading processes in all laboratories.

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