Skydiamond to Appeal ASA Ruling

Dale Vince, founder of the British lab-grown diamond company Skydiamond, plans to appeal after the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) mandated the use of terms such as "synthetic," "laboratory-grown," or "laboratory-created" to describe his products
Skydiamond to Appeal ASA Ruling

Vince asserts that his company produces "the world's first and only diamond made entirely from the sky," utilizing the sun, wind, rain, and atmospheric carbon, making any reference to "lab-grown" inaccurate.

The ASA's ruling against Skydiamond in April followed a complaint from the Natural Diamond Council (NDC).

Vince expressed disappointment with the ASA's handling of the case, stating, "It was clearly a competitor complaint and there is a different process for that." Skydiamond intends to appeal the decision and is prepared to seek a judicial review to challenge the ASA's exercise of its authority as a public body.

Diamond World