The show, known for its vibrant fashion and chic Parisian flair, now features Guzema’s iconic rings and earrings, adding an extra layer of sophistication to the characters’ wardrobes.
Fans of the show will see Guzema’s pieces adorning the two lead characters, Emily and Mindy, throughout the first five episodes of Season 4, which premieres this week on Netflix. The choice to include these designs is a testament to the brand’s alignment with the show’s contemporary couture aesthetic.
“We are immensely honoured that the costume designers chose to feature our jewellery in such a beloved show,” says Valeriya Guzema, founder of Guzema Fine Jewelry. “Emily’s style has become a major fashion phenomenon, and I am delighted by how well our design aesthetic suits the fabulous wardrobe of Emily in Paris.”
The jewellery was styled by Costume Designer Marylin Fitoussi, with assistance from Herehau Ragonneau and coordination by Caroline Simon of Sparkles & Bubbles.
Guzema's delicate yet bold pieces perfectly complement the contemporary couture styling that 'Emily in Paris' is famous for. The show’s fashion is often described as an additional character, and the inclusion of Guzema jewellery enhances the elegance and minimalist expression that define the bold, sassy female leads.
As 'Emily in Paris' continues to captivate audiences with its fashion-forward narrative, Guzema Fine Jewelry's role in the series is sure to elevate its status as a go-to brand for modern, sophisticated women.