Neiman Marcus offers Forevermark Ultimate Diamond Experience in Christmas Book 2013

The book offers over 500 gifts this year
Neiman Marcus offers Forevermark Ultimate Diamond Experience in Christmas Book 2013

Neiman Marcus unveiled its Christmas Book 2013 with over 500 gifts for this year. A 25-carat rough Forevermark® diamond and an experience of the journey of the diamond from mining to the jewellery piece, is the top gift in the package and is entitled ‘Roughing It’. The gift buyer who wins this experience will travel to De Beers headquarters in London where he will receive the rough diamond, name it and become familiar about the unique inscription on the diamond while also interacting with the craftsman who will hand-cut and polish it.

There will be a private tour of The Crown Jewels and dinner with De Beers CEO Philippe Mellier and Forevermark CEO Stephen Lussier in the Tower of London. Following this, the journey will lead on further on a vessel to Namibia's offshore diamond production and the original location of that Forevermark diamond. Further there is a visit to rough-diamond sorting houses and children's community projects where the local population benefits from Forevermark's diamonds. The trip carries on to the U.S. to a meeting with New York jewelry designer Maria Canale who will design a ring for the Forevermark diamond.

The gift entitled the Forevermark Ultimate Diamond Experience is limited to two adults and it sells for $1.85 million. With this gift, Neiman Marcus will donate $10,000 to The Heart of Neiman Marcus Foundation. Also, the gift purchaser will also receive a hardcover book documenting the highlights of the diamond's journey and to commemorate the experience.

Amongst the various gifts in the Christmas Book 2013, about 40 percent are priced for less than $250.

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