Leading Indian diamond jewellery brand Ciemme Jewels Limited, recently inaugurated its new store in Mumbai in the suburb of Vile Parle (East), as part of its domestic retail expansion plans. The new outfit offers contemporary creations along with traditional ornaments for various occasions. The launch event was attended by Founder Chairman Shri Mahendra Shah, noted celebrities and dignitaries.
At present, Ciemme operates 10 exclusive retail showrooms in India, and further plans opening another store in plush area of Hughes Road in Mumbai, and two outfits in Baroda and Mani Nagar in Ahmedabad, respectively.
Ciemme Jewels Limited is part of the C. Mahendra Group and delves in jewellery designed with tastes of Indian, fusion, and western influences, besides wedding collections for both men and women. The company also plans increasing exports to Middle East and U.S.A.
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