WJCEF to offer its first Executive CSR Course

Registrations for the course have begun
WJCEF to offer its first Executive CSR Course

A new programme in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been developed for the jewellery industry, which will comprise of the first Executive CSR Course offered by the World Jewellery Confederation Education Foundation (WJCEF). Registrations for the course have begun and it will be hosted by HRD Antwerp from June 19 to June 22, in Antwerp, Belgium. CIBJO has set up a scholarship fund that will cover a large portion of the tuition fee for each participant.

The four-day Executive CSR Course is designed to enable companies in the international jewellery and gemstone sector enhance their business practices to help fulfill United Nation's Millennium Development Goals, which form a blueprint agreed to by the international community to tackle the world's most pressing development challenges. The course would elucidate principal models and strategies for Corporate Social Investment, their application in an industry dominated by smaller and medium-sized enterprises, impact of CSR on supply chains and a variety of practical case studies, special overview of Corporate Social Responsibility presented by experts from the CSR Certificate programme at the University of St. Michaels's College in the University of Toronto.

"We're talking about the establishment of a culture and tradition by which our industry returns economic benefits to all sectors of the supply chain, including those in developing nations. This is proactive CSR and I propose that it should set us apart from other luxury product industries. CSR should be recognised as an integral part of our industry's DNA. It should define us as a community, and be a characteristic by which consumers recognise us," said CIBJO President Gaetano Cavalieri.

The programme has been presented and prepared by a team of United Nations-sanctioned CSR experts from the University of Geneva, University of St. Michael's College in the University of Toronto, and MHC International.

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