HRD Antwerp and form a strategic partnership

The partnership will help provide the best in diamond jewellery to the Chinese market
HRD Antwerp and form a strategic partnership

Two noteworthy trade entities, HRD Antwerp and - one of China's most important online retailers of diamond jewellery, have formed a partnership to involve each other’s expertise in providing the customers with the best options in diamond jewellery. The agreement was inaugurated at a celebration held at the Belgian Consulate in Shanghai in the presence of the Consul General of Belgium, Mr. Marc Pecsteen.

“This strategic cooperation between HRD Antwerp and Zbird will provide Zbird’s customers with diamond set jewellery that have been certified by one of the world’s most respected grading labs. The certificates will display the brand logos of both HRD Antwerp and Zbird”, explained Georges Brys, General Manager of HRD Antwerp. will promote and sell diamond jewellery with grading reports supplied by the HRD Antwerp. Zbird will also promote the HRD Antwerp certificate on its website and through its outlets in prominent Chinese cities.

HRD Antwerp is the first international diamond grading lab providing Chinese customers with a website in Chinese. It had opened its representative office opening in the Diamond Exchange of Shanghai during 2008.

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