IIGJ hosts convocation for its 15th batch of graduates

The Indian Institute of Gems & Jewellery, Mumbai held its convocation ceremony for the 15th batch of graduates of the 3-year B.A. in Gems & Jewellery programme offered in collaboration with Mewar University
IIGJ hosts convocation for its 15th batch of graduates
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The Chairman of IIGJ Mumbai, Vasant Mehta and many other distinguished guests were present at the event. The chieft guest included Rahul Narvekar, Hon’ble Speaker, Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha and the Guest of Honour was Kirit Bhansali, Vice Chairman, Gems & Jewellery Export Promotion Council.

41 students successfully graduated from the 15th batch of B.A. Gems & Jewellery, Class of 2021. All the students are either employed with prestigious jewellery companies, are working on their own jewellery collections as entrepreneurs or have been absorbed into their family businesses. IIGJ Mumbai

 Felicitating the students and congratulating them on their beautiful jewellery pieces, Chairman, MVasant Mehta said, “I am truly proud of the fact that IIGJ Mumbai’s B.A. students have done extremely well over the years. More than 400 students have graduated from IIGJ Mumbai so far. Out of which 40% run their own businesses and 60% are employed in the jewellery industry as designers, merchandisers, marketing personnel and in the production and product development departments… This speaks volumes for the quality of education received by students at IIGJ.”

 Degree certificates were given to all the successful graduates and the Chairman’s trophy awards were given for:

Best Student of the Batch 2018 to 2021: Ms. Jaini Dedhia

1st Runner Up: Ms. Kalindi Darshetkar

2nd Runner Up: Ms. Namira Shaikh


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