BDB Launches COVID-19 Vaccination Drive at its Premises

BDB Launches COVID-19 Vaccination Drive at its Premises

In the wake of the pandemic, Bharat Diamond Bourse will begin this large-scale vaccination drive for all its members and their staff

Bharat Diamond Bourse, one of world's biggest diamond bourses, initiated a vaccination drive for its members, their staff and family on June 2. A total of 2500 offices with more than 50,000 employees (along with their family members) will be vaccinated through this drive at the complex. The initiative is commendable considering the shortage of vaccines in India at the moment.

Anoop Mehta, President, BDB said, "Bharat Diamond Bourse has always been frontrunner whenever it comes to handling a crisis situation and today, India needs all the support it can get to ward off the thread posed by COVID-19. The vaccination drive at the Bourse will benefit a large number of people to become healthy and equipped to fight the dreaded virus."

Mehul Shah, Vice President. BDB said, "It is our endeavour not only to bring back health, but to ensure safety and wellbeing to a large number of people who visit BDB - we want to make the premises will be a safe environment."

The administration at BDB also opined that vaccination would be made mandatory soon, and anyone who hasn't taken the vaccination will not be admitted into the premises. The vaccination drive was inaugurated by Deputy Commissioner of Police, BKC, Manjunath Singe, along with Anoop Mehta, Mehul Shah and Kirit Bhansali. 

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