MJSA lends conditional support to India’s GSP BID

Calls for elimination of import tariffs on finished goods
MJSA lends conditional support to India’s GSP BID

THE Manufacturing Jewelers & Suppliers of America (MJSA) has agreed to support the continuation of Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) benefits for India, which expire on December 31, 2006

In return, the trade association has asked the representatives of the SEEPZ Gems and Jewellery Manufacturers Association (SGJMA) to lobby the Indian government to eliminate import tariffs as soon as possible within the next two years.

MJSA has issued letters to members of the US Congress, urging them to renew the GSP status for India for two years, but to make explicit in the legislation that if INdia does not meet the goal of reducing its reciprocal tariffs within a two-year period, its companies will not longer be eligible for GSP preferences on jewellery items.

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