Ganz calls on manufacturers' enthusiasm at Shanghai

Urges them to develop close ties with the retailers
Ganz calls on manufacturers' enthusiasm at Shanghai

With the Israel Diamond Industry proactively stating its support at the 2007 China International Diamond Conference in Shanghai, Mr. Moti Ganz Chairman of the Israel Diamond Institute (IDI) and Vice President of the International Diamond Manufacturers Association (IDMA) narrated ‘the new world order’ within today’s global diamond industry, wherein the advantages offered to manufacturers by different diamond centres, vary.

Accordingly, Ganz mentioned that manufacturers must gain maximum from a variety of such benefits offered by diamond centres worldwide . He called on manufacturers to form a cooperation with jewelry retailers to build brands that will ensure the sale of manufactured goods. Ganz noted that the greatest advantage in manufacturing in China the fact that this is the only country where manufacturing is close to the consumer market. “If the leaders of the diamond industry in China, together with the government, find a way to prioritize polished diamonds for the local market, it will trigger a meteoric development of the diamond and diamond jewellery retail market in China,” he said.

In his opinion, Ganz said “We, the manufacturers, have no choice but to spread out our businesses and claim as many stops along the diamond pipeline as possible, from mine to retail shop. The diamond industry has a future to look forward to, and through proper reorganisation, seeking out direct ties with the final link in the chain and forging long-term relationships with jewelry retailers, we can prevail and be equipped to face less fortunate times”. He also mentioned that the next seven to eight years will see a rather constant manufacturing map and that the list of active mines will remain unchanged.

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