ALROSA recovered a large diamond from Nyurbinskoye placer deposit

PJSC ALROSA announced the recovery of a 214.65-carat diamond from Nyurbinskoye placer deposit
ALROSA recovered a large diamond from Nyurbinskoye placer deposit

The crystal measures 42.11 by 34.26 by 16.07 mm, and is translucent with a grey hue. Traces of dissolution–tetragonal cavities, etching channels and caverns–are observed on the surface. The stone contains cracks filled with graphite and sulphide composition. The diamond is 4 Black Clivage/Makeable Grey.

The Nyurbinskoye placer deposit is localized in the immediate vicinity of the Nyurbinskaya pipe primary deposit, which is a source of diamonds. Sands from the deposit are processed in summer.

The share of this placer deposit in ALROSA Group’s production totaled 5% in 2015. Identified reserves under JORC code as of January 1, 2015, amounted to 13.5 million carats.

Nyurba Mining and Processing Division operates at the Nakyn ore field and develops Nyurbinsky and Botuobinsky open-pit mines, and same-name alluvial placers. In Q1 2016, the Division produced 2.16 million carats.

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