23.16 carat pink Williamson diamond(Courtesy: Petra Diamonds)
23.16 carat pink Williamson diamond(Courtesy: Petra Diamonds)

Petra sells 23.16-carat Rare Pink Diamond for US$10,050,000

The rare pink diamond was bought by Golden Yellow Diamonds on behalf of M.A. Anavi Diamond Group

In a rare feat, the Petra Diamonds Limited has announced that the exceptional 23.16 carat pink diamond recovered from the Williamson mine in Tanzania in November, was sold into a partnership, with Petra receiving US$10,050,000, amounting to US$433,938 per carat, for the rough stone, as well as retaining a 20 per cent interest in the sales proceeds of the polished. 

The rare pink diamond was bought by Golden Yellow Diamonds on behalf of M.A. Anavi Diamond Group, a leading diamond manufacturer and specialist in large and unique coloured diamonds.  

Elated with the result of the Pink diamond sale, Johan Dippenaar, CEO of Petra, says, "This sale result affirms that the market for high-quality coloured diamonds remains robust. Pinks of this size and quality are incredibly rare, but the Williamson mine is known to produce them from time to time. This bodes well for the future of the mine as we continue to ramp up production and optimise the processing plant. Given the exceptional nature of this pink stone, we are delighted to retain exposure to the uplift in the polished."

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