The renowned jewellery chain, Malabar Gold and Diamonds, achieved another milestone by opening a megastore in Abu Dhabi, which is being dubbed as the biggest store in the Middle East. The mega store, which is spread over 10,000 square feet, expects brisk sales as Diwali festivities have already started in a big way. The store showcases over 50,000 pieces of jewellery handcrafted by jewellers from over 10 countries.
Ahammed MP, Chairman of Malabar Group, says, "Opening of Middle East's largest gold and jewellery showroom in Abu Dhabi reaffirms our strong commitment to the UAE and the GCC where we are a partner in the region's economic growth. The UAE has remained one of the best performing markets - where sales continued to grow amid varying market dynamics that reaffirmed our commitment to this market. Our continued investment in the UAE market reflects our strong belief in the country's resilience.”
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