Chikane as new CEO of State Diamond Trader

To handlle mineral and energy departments
Chikane as new CEO of State Diamond Trader
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The former first chairman of the Kimberley Process, Abbey Chikane is South Africa State Diamond Trader’s new CEO of Communication, for its minerals and energy department.

The State Diamond Trader was set up to encourage the domestic South African diamond market by purchasing some of the local production, thus encouraging the local polishers and cutters. Also, all local production has to be registered with the body set up under the Diamonds Amendment Act and which has replaced the Diamond boards, with its own profile of work.

Chikane’s portfolio will have to handle speculations, of whether the board will play fair in prices offered to the producers and in terms of diamond selection. The government confirms that there would be a fair price system and a valuator can be appointed to judge the same.

Chikane, had formed Gemini Consulting which has diamond trading as part of its work portfolio. He has also headed many diamond industry bodies and holds an academic background in economic development and international business.

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