
China to begin manufacturing Scio Synthetic Diamonds

diamond world news service

A firm producing lab-created diamonds has negotiated a partnership that will oversee the manufacture of the synthetic stones on Chinese soil, Diamond Intelligence reports. The South Carolina-based Scio Diamond Technology Corporation announced that they had sealed the deal to produce type II a single-crystal CVD diamonds, targeting the gemstone market. At present Scio only operates 10 reactors which are capable of producing approximately 32,000 carats of rough diamonds in a single year.

At the outset of the new venture, the Chinese center of operations will feature one hundred diamond-growing reactors, as well as lasers and high-pressure high-temperature presses, to adjust the gemstone colors. These new reactors will harness a more advanced technology that is capable of producing at 50 per cent increased capacity. In two years' time, the factory could very well ramp up production to employ four hundred reactors.

Production in China is scheduled to commence by next summer.

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