Stornoway discovers new Kimberliet pipe

Found in close proximity to AV1 and AV4 in Aviat
Stornoway discovers new Kimberliet pipe

AV9, is the third kimberlite discovered by Stornoway at Aviat's Tremblay Corridor, a location on the Melville Peninsula in Nunavut., which contains diamondiferous kimberlies. AV9 is four kilometers east-southeast to the diamondiferous AV1 kimberlite.

According to Stornoway's CEO Eira Thomas, "The AV9 kimberlite pipe was discovered as a result of a concerted effort to identify the source of a high priority indicator mineral and diamondiferous boulder train within Aviat's 'Eastern Sheet Complex'. The discovery of a new kimberlite pipe within four kilometers of the AV1 and AV4 pipes demonstrates the continuing exploration potential of the Tremblay Corridor and adds exciting kimberlite tonnage potential to the project."

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