Augmented Reality Start Up Inova Joins IDE Innovation Center

The company will develop technology for virtually trying on rings and jewellery.
Augmented Reality Start Up Inova Joins IDE Innovation Center
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The Israel Diamond Exchange’s technological incubator Diamond Tech, has just signed an agreement to host Israeli start-up Inova Diamonds Ltd. The company develops technological solutions for online marketing of diamonds and jewellery using augmented reality (AR). The new technology being developed will enable customers to virtually “try on” diamond rings and jewelry using computerized imaging. Inova Diamonds was founded by Artem Soundelzon and Genady Pisetskiy.

The Israel Diamond Exchange (IDE) launched Diamond Tech earlier this year to host and support early stage start-ups that develop technologies to advance the diamond industry. Among the start-ups being considered are projects dealing with robotics, lasers and other advanced technologies for diamond manufacturing, artificial intelligence, innovative marketing platforms and more. The technologies developed at Diamond Tech will serve, first and foremost, the Israeli diamond industry.

The launch of the Diamond Tech incubator is part of a strategic effort on the part of IDE to marry the innovative creativity of the Start-Up Nation to the tradition and talents of the Israeli diamond industry.

IDE President Yoram Dvash said, “The establishment of the innovation center is part of a comprehensive technological revolution that we are bringing to the diamond exchange. Israel is a trailblazer in developing new technologies, which puts us in an ideal position to lead the diamond industry in new directions. IDE is investing significant resources to ensure the success of these start-ups and their contribution to the diamond industry.”

Diamond Tech Director Hana Toledano said, “The innovation center is seeking the start-ups that bring the newest and most exciting technologies to the world of diamonds. This is the way to ensure the continued growth and success of this outstanding industry.”

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