ALROSA together with Russia’s embassy donated ‘Sputnik V’ vaccines to Angola

ALROSA together with Russia’s embassy donated ‘Sputnik V’ vaccines to Angola

ALROSA together with the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Angola donated 25,000 doses of Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine to the Angolan government
ALROSA provided financing and secured the delivery of vaccines from Russia to Luanda, where the Minister of Health of Angola Silvia Lutucuta received the cargo on behalf of the Ministry of Health. A second shipment of 25,000 doses is expected to arrive in Luanda within a month.
“Since its inception, ALROSA has been committed to the highest standards of social responsibility. We prioritize protecting the environment and supporting local communities in the regions where we operate. Every year ALROSA allocates millions of dollars for social, environmental and charitable programs near its operations. For many years, ALROSA has been closely cooperating with colleagues from Angola. The company is a shareholder and technical partner of the largest Angolan diamond mining enterprise Catoca. In difficult times, we strive to support our partners. Therefore, this year we organized and financed the supply of the coronavirus vaccine from the Russian Federation to the Republic of Angola,” ALROSA Deputy CEO Vladimir Marchenko commented.
The Gam-COVID-Vac combined vector vaccine developed by the N.F. Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology with support from the Russian Direct Investment Fund was registered by the Russian Ministry of Health in August 2020. The vaccine was named “Sputnik V” after the first Soviet space satellite that opened a new era in the global space research.

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