AGTA shifts its AGTA Spectrum Awards™ to Summer 2016

Believes this is in the interest of designers and manufacturers
AGTA shifts its AGTA Spectrum Awards™ to Summer 2016

The American Gem Trade Association (AGTA) is hosting its annual design competition, the AGTA Spectrum Awards™ in Summer 2016. Douglas K. Hucker, AGTA CEO said, “We felt if we changed the dates to summer, this would be better for the designers and manufacturers, because it wouldn’t remove their inventory during the holiday selling season. And, what better publicity during that time, than to promote a Spectrum Awardwinning piece!”

Entry deadlines are fixed at June 17, 2016 and the New York drop-off taking place on June 28, 2016.

This is the 33rd edition of the AGTA Spectrum Awards™, a platform grown into the world’s premier colored gemstone and pearl jewelry design competition. The competition is open to U.S. and Canadian designers and cutters. The competition categories include Evening Wear, Bridal Wear sponsored by The Knot, Business Day Wear, Classical Wear and Men’s Wear. AGTA Spectrum Awards™ also feature the Platinum Honors™ sponsored by Platinum Guild International and the newest category, the Savor Silver Awards™ sponsored by the Silver Promotion Service. The AGTA Cutting Edge Awards™ honor loose colored gemstones in everything from Classic Gemstones to one-of-a-kind Carvings, Pairs and Suites to amazing Objects of Art.

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